Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lean & Agile Value Suite

The strength of Lean & Agile originates from the level of its mindset and values, not from the level of some specific framework alone. There is no better way to evangelize your teams than by referring to the roots. How often do you do that?

The subject I have been exploring recently is the shape and the structure of the Lean & Agile Value Suite based on Lean & Agile mindsets presented in Agile Manifesto and Lean "manifestos" by Mary Poppendieck and David J. Andreson.
The goals of my work are:
  1. Identify the set of Lean and Agile values
  2. Discover relations among them
  3. Identify the baseline - the set of core values causing the whole eco-system to function and grow.
My understanding is still evolving. I am sure this is not the final version :) Anyway, let me know your thoughts! I encourage you to draw your own version of the concept map - this is so exciting!


  1. Thanks for sharing this! Nice one - I've just done my version based on it.

  2. The main area of doubt in version 1 is around Knowledge-based decision making and its relation with Self-Organization.

  3. I have just published version 2.
    Major changes:
    1. I drilled Empowerment deeper and explicitely shown its component values.
    2. Interestingly Knowledge-based decision making turned out to be one of the values that comes from Empowerment
    3. I moved Synergy from Business level to Team level
    Enjoy the new version!

  4. Changes in version 3:
    - Empowerment ENABLES Self-organization. The previous relation - catalyzes - was too weak.

  5. Changes in version 4:
    This version brings lots of quantitative changes. I added a lot of new items and relations among these.

    Hope that the message is still clear. What d'ya think?

  6. Thanks for sharing your good information. Project Management is quite a lot the province and responsibility of an individual project manager. This individual seldom participates directly in the activities that produce the end result, but rather strives to maintain the growth and mutual interaction and tasks of various parties in such a way that reduces the risk of overall failure, maximizes benefits, and restricts costs.

  7. Makes sense basically these are the things that for what people appreciate scrum team building because they are quite good at that and the reason behind their progress is their working strategies which are different from others.
